Read writing from Gurwinder Bhogal on Medium. Threat vectors such as TikTok, opioids, Tinder, endocrine disruptors, HFCS, and so on need to be identified, awareness propagated, and their use and abuse shamed and made low status. Gurwinder Bhogal has written an article about TikTok that is equally fascinating and alarming. ·. Reports tell of adolescent girls suddenly developing “TikTok tics” after viewing videos of alleged Tourette’s sufferers. Through a constant barrage of. com. Woozle Effect: An article makes a claim without evidence, is then cited by another, which is cited by another, and. We performed a quantitative assessment of TikTok tics. And the world's few evil people have little power without the help of the world's many stupid people. Then in 1988, while sitting as a member of a TV audience, he suddenly found himself surrounded by the kids he’d rescued, now adults. Gurwinder Bhogal Twitter, Intelligence, Audience Capture, Polarization, and TikTok3. Bonhoeffer's Theory of Stupidity: Evil can be guarded against. G_S_Bhogal. A human can be considered a person, mammal, collection of cells, collection of stardust. Now, at the end of 2020, TikTok is the most downloaded app of the year – and it's changed an awful lot more than just how we consume media online. Gurwinder Bhogal is a programmer and a writer. Gurwinder @G_S_Bhogal. 40. March 10, 2019. @G_S_Bhogal. Continue. His work has appeared in Areo, Quillette, The Humanist, The Sunday Express, and on the blog of the counter-extremism think-tank, Quilliam. My favorite optical trick: The hollow-face illusion. 26 Jul 2022 · 9 min read. “15. Stupidity cannot. Reading time: ~7 minutes. There are over a billion websites on the internet, yet most people never use more than a dozen. “European Union Terrorism Situation and Trend Report 2016”, pp 10, 22. Gurwinder @G_S_Bhogal. He can be found on Twitter here. Analysing pathological narratives. com. My friends, a new MEGATHREAD has arrived! In 40 tweets I’ll explain 40 useful concepts you should know. Click to read The Prism, by Gurwinder, a Substack publication with tens of thousands of readers. “We are each a menagerie of different selves, a cacophony of contradictions. @G_S_Bhogal. Others spend their days binge-watching the carefully choreographed “lives” of. But when I occasionally need to check an article from a website I don't regularly read, I use RemovePaywall to lift the paywall. Gurwinder Bhogal is a freelance writer. The more you reward good behavior and punish bad behavior, the better your social media experience will be. 5,205. For instance, writer Gurwinder Bhogal, aka @G_S_Bhogal, recently went viral after sharing 10 of the most useful concepts that he learned last year that improved his understanding of the world. In 40 tweets I will explain another 40 concepts you should know. Our columnist has obtained an internal company document that offers a new level of detail about how the algorithm. Nicholas Winton helped 669 Jewish children escape the Nazis. Every day, Gurwinder Bhogal and thousands of other voices read, write, and share important stories on Medium. But when we learned how to produce sugar on an industrial scale, our love for sweet things went from an evolutionary asset to a liability. The Prism. You’ll find them below. Value: potentially a lifetime!1. Gurwinder. My peoples, the time has come for a MEGATHREAD. Videos with the keywords “tic,” “Tourette,” or “tourettes” were reviewed to identify content creators between March 11, 2020 and March 30, 2021. More like this: - The street art that expressed. By Gurwinder. June 28, 2023. 9:45 PM ∙ Nov 9, 2018. It’s the most successful video app in the world. Our episode with Gurwinder will be arriving in. Reading time: ~7 minutes. Jul 15. TikTok es una ‘superarma’ de distracción masiva creada por China. Gurwinder @G_S_Bhogal. Gurwinder @G_S_Bhogal. My friends, a new MEGATHREAD has arrived! In 40 tweets I’ll explain 40 useful concepts you should know. Gurwinder @G_S_Bhogal. Gurwinder is one of my favourite Twitter follows. June 28, 2023. TikTok will change the way your social media works — even if you’re avoiding it. Key Takeaways “The main problems of the internet are not caused by algorithms, they’re caused by people. substack. Hello, person who is, statistically. If someone is rude to you, don’t reward them with a reply, just block them. My interest in the freelance writer and fellow Areo contributor Gurwinder Bhogal was originally piqued by his tweets: a series of gnomic utterances about the slippery nature of identity and about the universal, limitless human capacity for self-deception. Dive into your interests. He’s written yet another megathread exploring human nature, c. . A connoisseur of the digital age, Gurwinder Bhogal is a writer of celebrated Substack essays and viral Twitter threads. Research Notes. Illustration by The New York Times. Some are complex so forgive me for oversimplifying, but the main purpose is to incite curiosity. Gurwinder. substack. “British Muslims face worst job discrimination. Get in touch with Gurwinder. Articles by Gurwinder Bhogal on Muck Rack. A guide to navigating the Digital Age. Posts. If I regularly read a website, I'll pay for it. GurwinderGurwinder Bhogal (@G_S_Bhogal) | Twitter [1] Europol. All PostsHow TikTok Reads Your Mind. TikTok, according to Gurwinder, is the modern-day circus, incapacitating hordes of followers through the social media app, which is now the most downloaded in history. He is currently working on a novel about religion in the […]Gurwinder Bhogal is a freelance writer. 15h. Filed under:. His work has featured in the Sunday Express and on the blog of Quilliam. Gurwinder is one of my favourite Twitter follows. Many people find social media toxic because they incentivize toxic behavior by responding to it. Algorithms are just a reflection of human behavior” – Gurwinder Bhogal “We have re-primitivized our technology” – Gurwinder Bhogal In the age of information, the internet, and social. Last Updated: Nov 24, 2022 G_S_Bhogal. 4. Reads (41) Get app. Abstraction: There are scales of explanation. TikTok is a New Type of Superweapon. His efforts went unrecognized for 50 years. When intelligent people affiliate themselves to ideology, their intellect ceases to guard against wishful thinking, and instead begins to fortify it, causing them to inadvertently mastermind their own delusion, and to very cleverly become stupid. Check out the Modern Wisdom episode page. We reached out to Gurwinder with a few questions about standing out with one's writing and what other concepts nearly made it. . Burying The Lede: If a journalist wants to downplay the most important aspect of a story, they'll bury it at the bottom of their article and mention it as briefly as. gurwinder. . He’s written another monstrous thread exploring human nature,. Humans evolved to seek out sugar because it was a scarce source of energy. 267. Gurwinder Bhogal is a programmer and a writer. G_S_Bhogal. MEGATHREAD TIME: In 40 tweets I will describe 40 powerful concepts for understanding the world. Gurwinder Bhogal, Staff Writer Gurwinder Bhogal is a British-Indian writer. ·. As a result, stupidity is a far greater threat than evil. 26. Iona Italia. Sometimes the reason people can’t see eye to eye is that they’re unwittingly considering things at different levels of abstraction. A guide to navigating the Digital Age. Find Gurwinder Bhogal's email address, contact information, LinkedIn, Twitter, other social media and more. We'll recommend top publications based on the topics you select. @G_S_Bhogal. [2] Roger Dobson. TikTok’s capacity to stupefy people, both acutely by encouraging idiotic behavior, and chronically by atrophying the brain,. He has a degree in computer science from the University of Leicester, and worked in information security before moving to Luton to research extremism. [email protected]_S_Bhogal. Gurwinder Bhogal. Find Gurwinder Bhogal's articles, email address, contact information, Twitter and more. By John Herrman. The brain is optimized to visually process. Contact Gurwinder, search articles and Tweets, monitor coverage, and track replies from one place. His work can be found at gurwinder. The ultimate. — Gurwinder (@G_S_Bhogal) September 17, 2021. On Twitter I have been railing against TikTok for some time, but Gurwinder goes next level. Unfortunately along the way many will be lost, but with our elite class being as cowardly, corrupt, and deceitful as it is, even if authoritarian solutions were. Strap.