Nottinghamshire bird sightings. Records of. Nottinghamshire bird sightings

 Records ofNottinghamshire bird sightings 782

Species. White-winged Tern. See Reserve's Twitter. 8164. 30pm. This much loved, nationally important site is best known for its birds with over 250 species recorded, but also provides a home for hundreds of species of plant and insects. Reserve: 9am to 7pm. Mapleton (SK1647) 2 Red Kite. Nottinghamshire. Grid Reference: SK6762. Records of. Fundraise with us. 0397. During Winter (from when the clocks go back) Every day: 9am to 4pm, Café closes at 4pm. Northing: 362284. The society aims to promote an interest in birds in Nottinghamshire. Willington GP (SK2827) 1 Barn Owl. Philanthropic loans. About. 30pm. 1154. Campaigns. The only official Twitter account for. Easting: 479570. We influence government policy and local planning decisions that affect the future of wildlife. Site location details and google satellite image for Nottingham. 15047. Our vision. Our vision for Idle Valley Nature Reserve. Bird news, events and sightings for Nottinghamshire. Campaigns. This page will be updated on a daily basis, to provide a convenient news service to scarce & rare birds found within the County Nottinghamshire. LatitudeLongitude: 53. Drakelow Nature Reserve (SK2220) 15 Mandarin, 1 Garganey, 10 Shoveler, 11 Teal, 74 Gadwall, 5 Hobby, 3 Oystercatcher, 1 Greenshank, 1 Green Sandpiper, 1 Willow Tit. Whether you’re planning a gentle stroll with the family, enjoying the treehouse play area,. Easting: 464281. @NottsBirders. See Reserve's Facebook. LatitudeLongitude: 53. Derby River Gardens (SK3536) 1 Yellow-legged Gull. England; GB; Map Map. Once considered a threat to game birds and domestic animals like cats and dogs, the red kite was hunted close to extinction in the UK. Nature Centre and Café: During Summer (from when the clocks go forward): Monday to Friday: 10am to 5pm, Café closes at 4. Latest rare bird sightings, images, links and useful contact details for Welbeck watchpoint. 22/06/2023. Our campaigns. Car park: 9am-5pm. Latest Rarities in Nottinghamshire 18/07/2023 18:05 : Large Tortoiseshell. Please click on the map icon below to load Nottingham in your preferred map. Site-specific information is visible only to the observer and eBird reviewer(s) for the region. Last seen First seen High counts. Region navigation Show Region navigation. Show all details. Site location details and google satellite image for Rufford CP. Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust serves as the first line of defence for wild species and habitats in the county. Transforming our towns and city for people & nature. Taxonomic. Nottinghamshire. We campaign tirelessly for wildlife, protecting threatened habitats such as wildflower meadows and species such as otters and water voles. Grid Reference: SK6464. 1765 , -1. About our work with businesses. Our 10-year Wilder Nottinghamshire strategy. uk. Weekend: 9am to 6pm, Café closes at 5. Please note that some of these images can be quite large and if you are accessing the internet through a standard modem. * Bird News Pro and Bird News Ultimate subscribers receive full sighting details. 1651 , -0. Site Location Details. 85. 00717. Common Swift. Please click on the map icon below to load Kilvington in your preferred map. Weekend: 9am to 6pm,. 782. Public information for Sensitive Species is restricted due to potential harmful impact to these birds. Site location details and google satellite image for Eakring. Nature Centre and Café. Sort by. Contact email: [email protected]. Bretby (SK2923) 3 Yellowhammer. Easting: 467461. Wetland Bird Survey - March 2023. 13:22. Manage land for nature. All submissions of Nottinghamshire bird photos are submitted under the condition that we may use them (with the relevant credit) in our Annual Reports. Hotspots. Car park open 8am-8pm. Posted 15 Mar 2023 by Joe Harris (RSPB Langford Lowfields Site Manager)Welcome to the Website of the Nottinghamshire Birdwatchers. Site location details and google satellite image for Kilvington. The osprey is a large bird of prey with dark brown upperparts and contrasting white underparts that can appear mottled in females. The centre function rooms are open. During Summer (from when the clocks go forward) Monday to Friday: 9am to 5pm, Café closes at 4. Skip to content. 15343 , -0. The osprey is a brown-and-white bird which could possibly be mistaken for a seagull at a distance. It is cited as one of the best places in the UK to see kingfisher and is also. View all sightings in Nottinghamshire. This beautiful nature reserve is one of the largest in the East Midlands and has something for everyone. Please click on the map icon below to load Besthorpe NWT in your preferred map. Please click on the map icon below to load Owthorpe in your preferred map. Grid Reference: SK6633. eBirders. Region navigation Show Region navigation. Corporate donations. Attenborough Nature Reserve was established in 1966 and was opened by Sir David Attenborough. Carsington Water (SK2451) 1 Mediterranean Gull, 1 Sanderling. Rather than purely hunting for. 9779 , -0. LatitudeLongitude: 52. England; GB; Map Map. Fewer than 100 breeding pairs are believed to be active in the UK. Please click on the map icon below to load Eakring in your preferred map. Engage employees for wellbeing. LatitudeLongitude: 52. 17 July 2023. Our vision for Attenborough Nature Reserve. With most images you can click to get a larger version. Wetlands for Wildlife in Nottinghamshire. Now a protected species – and following several reintroduction attempts, the number of red kites has recovered and they can be spotted in lots of places across the UK. Nottinghamshire. Grid Reference: SK8163. Please click on the map icon below to load Rufford CP in your preferred map. Sign up to our newsletter Login Register You have 0 item(s) Latest Sightings. This page will be updated on a daily basis, to provide a convenient news service to scarce & rare birds found within the County Nottinghamshire. Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust. . Northing: 340203. The. The Nottinghamshire Birdwatchers is a registered charity with membership open to all. co. Updated ~12 hr(s) ago. Notts Birdwatchers. Opening times. Opening times. Grid Reference: SK5740. See moreExplore a complete list of bird species observations in this area. 99266. Defend Nature. 30pm. We encourage you not to share specific location information about this sighting via social media, public websites, or email listservs. Map your action for a Wilder Nottinghamshire. Our history. Submit your wildlife sightings to us to help us make better, more evidence based conservation choices on our nature reserves and beyond, informing our Nature Recovery strategy in Nottinghamshire. 13,918. 5 July 2023. Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust said a confirmed sighting of a male black redstart took place at an undisclosed location last week. 95616 , -1. Idle Valley is the largest reserve in our care, located just five minutes away from Retford and within an hour of Nottingham, Lincoln, Doncaster, Sheffield and Newark. LatitudeLongitude: 53. Attenborough NWT Nature Centre and Reserve, Nottinghamshire County, ENG, GB - eBird Hotspot. Attenborough NWT Nature Centre and Reserve, Nottinghamshire County, ENG, GB - eBird Hotspot. Complete checklists. Sightings. Contact number: 0115 958 8242. Drakelow Nature Reserve (SK2220) 1 Buzzard, 1 Cetti's Warbler, 1 Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1 Hobby, 2 Great Crested Grebe, 2 Grey Wagtail, 3 Little Egret, 5 Oystercatcher, 7 Tufted Duck. Easting: 466890. Feed the Birds. Buxton (SK0573) 1 Red Kite. Citizen science projects. Biodiversity Benchmark. Main Gallery Page. LatitudeLongitude: 52. Fewer than 100 breeding pairs. Their wings during flight show strong barring and. We are a friendly. Site location details and google satellite image for Owthorpe. A page for Nottinghamshire Birdwatchers' Members to receive notifications of events and to publicise interesting bird sightings, post blogs and receive information on Birding topics!!Latest rare bird sightings, birding locations, images, links and useful contact details for Nottinghamshire. Easting: 457168. Bringing beavers back. Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust said a confirmed sighting of a male black redstart took place at an undisclosed location last week. 89426 , -1. Transforming our towns and city for people & nature. Easting: 481526. Who we are. Overview;. Record your sightings. Details. Our vision. Explore a complete list of bird species observations in this area. Grid Reference: SK7942. The Sightings page and @Nottsbirders Twitter feed are intended to alert birders to scarcer species that they might be interested in seeing within the County. Meeting facilities. Skip to content. Their heads are white with a dark brown through their eyes.