Potholer54. = = = ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION BELOW = = =Potholer54is Potholer54's mbti type? I normally don't ask for stuff like this, but there's no information about him whatsoever. Potholer54

= = = ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION BELOW = = =Potholer54is Potholer54's mbti type? I normally don't ask for stuff like this, but there's no information about him whatsoeverPotholer54 SOURCES:0:00 Clips from my previous climate change videos0:38 "The Great Global Warming Swindle"written and directed by Martin Durkin0:50 "Proof that Global

For copyright contact: stienlemane2379(at)gmail. CORRECTIONS: At 0:59 I should have said "luminosity" instead of "luminescence. Some of potholer54's best stuff is along the lines of "so the paper that you're basing your video/blog. The opening premise comes off as, "the basic laws of physics are not applicable in the real world. Tweets & replies. My channel, Potholer54, now has over 27,000 subscribers. 4,663 likes. My videos are free, so if you'd like to donate and encourage me to spend the time and e. How much money does. I am a former science journalist (see the "Who I am" video) with a degree in geology. Projections are based on a high emissions scenario. He seeks to educate people about the science of climate change and why it is a dire issue but does so without resorting to what he. . Scafetta’s paper claims that estimates of ECS (equil. PragerU (or Prager University) is a non-profit organization and conspiracy theory peddling YouTube channel, founded by radio talk show host and professional wingnut Dennis Prager with his business partner Allen Estrin in 2009. I referenced. Potholer54 is run by British journalist and trained geologist Peter Hadfield. 00K subscribers. We talk about his channel, why he's not worried about the myths that won't die, as well as some of the challenges around science and its interface with public policy, and the replicability crisis. So true, and it should be required watching for reporters. The purpose of this channel is to explain in simple terms the conclusions of scientific research, and correct some of the unsourced crap we hear from bloggers, politicians and the media. Potholer54 (science journalist Peter Hadfield) takes a look at the spin, distortion, and outright deception (lies) that professional global warming denier like Christopher Booker puts on a real scientific study so that the right-wing blogosphere can. Jerrald Hayes | Jun 22, 2017 | Climate Change & Global Warming, Science Denial. I do not own the content. Projections are based on a high emissions scenario. jthadcast • 1 min. . Beyond the pandemic, there's a decades-long history of them doing this, despite that conflicting with many Republican voters who accept said published scientific evidence. 4,663 likes. . . last 7 days. Last updated: 8 July 2022. It’s 100% the first I think. 9/11: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators. Watch all his videos. A value of 0 means the surface is a "perfect absorber" that absorbs all incoming energy. So far, Mo. This archive is 6. For the rest of us interested in reality, potholer54’s Our Origins Made Easy offers a good overview “of where we came from — from the Big Bang to the human migration out of Africa”. That is certainly how pottholer seems to have decided to interpret it, but it is an absolutely astounding choice of interpretation for two reasons. The videos have been mirrored by others all over the internet, and several university lecturers have asked if they can use it in their. potholer54 is run by Peter Hadfield. Media. SOURCES:1:48 "Recent Ice-Sheet Growth in the Interior of Greenland"O. Now, Potholer54, who is a conservative and a scientist, describes in the video below how climate change deniers twist the facts to suite their agenda. . You can go from first promotion all the way to current day and discuss the entire evolution of the science and media surrounding it. 10 February 2021. We provide a mix of content designed to spark great conversation, promote civil debate, and relieve…Full text of the open letter to Christopher Monckton can be found at:videos exposing Monckton major errors:1 — h. Her channel is a great youtuber who puts tons of research into his videos and debunks climate change lies. potholer54 is run by Peter Hadfield. Subscribe to th. There is no copyright as long as it is n. I decided to do a rebuttal because the "5 myths" included on Crowder's website included one that I had been wan. PART 2 IS AT LISTED BELOW. Here are the. There is zero evidence that a battery in an EV will only last 90,000 miles especially the big battery cars. Vaccines save lives. Example: Potholer54’s new video takes on a recent paper by Nicola Scafetta ‘published’ in one of those new online journals that will publish anything if the price is right. potholer54 income. Guess what, Crowder never showed up. Peter Hadfield (Potholer54) got his video refuting false claims about the COVID vaccines and infertility reinstated by YouTube. Potholer54: More "man-made" SARS CoV-2 lab-leak malarky. Estimated earnings. by J. last 90 days. This video follows on from my video "Meet The Scientists. He's asked his viewers to help spread the word so that YouTube might notice. . . Public figure Potholer54 (real name Peter Hadfield[1]) is a British vlogger and ex-Radio 4/CBC superhero. If you'd like to support this channel, please don't send money to me. TO SUPPORT THIS CHANNEL please do not donate to me, donate to a charity I strongly support that provides health care to poor villages in exchange for a commi. . First -- a request: I haven't monetized this channel and I don't have. . RT @AtomsksSanakan: Beyond the pandemic, there's a decades-long history of them doing this, despite that conflicting with many Republican voters who accept said published scientific evidence. The channel also dedicates a portion of itself to debunking pseudoscience and erroneous statements. The one study I've seen about this didn't include any country or state that didn't exceed 1000 deaths. Link to my calling in to talk to Potholer54: Debate Community: = = ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION BELOW = = =Potholer54VPN Link for 85% OFF__Chicago, black or silver colored towers designed by Mies van der Rohe are sprinkled across the city. The only rules are : DON'T. Potholer54debunks @Potholer54debunks 38. Monckton so far, is a no show - "Climate Denial Crock of the Week" editor greenman3610 (Peter Sinclair) and Hadfield discuss the ongoing… About potholer54 channel. CO 2 levels rise to 936ppm by 2100 making the global temperature rise. SOURCES:. Potholer54 is run by British journalist and trained geologist Peter Hadfield. 1:51 – “Assessment of. $ 448. Media Credits. Spot media bias. Hey everybody! Welcome to CineBinge!On this channel we (Simone & George) watch, react and review as many amazing movies and tv series as we possible can!!Sup. Potholer54 has a new video responding to the climate denial of Roy Spencer, one of that fringe minority of qualified scientists that dispute the consensus on climate change (which has made him a darling of Fox News etc. Hi all For those of you who follow either potholer54 or Steven Crowder on youtube, there will be a live stream debate on August 23 at 9:00am Sydney time (GMT + 10). $ 111. week I posted a video about how we know the Earth is round, from the perspective of modern astronomy. Scafetta’s paper claims that estimates of ECS (equil. To the contrary, it is an A posteriori indicator that those stifling healthy debate, do not in fact have healthy arguments. Beyond the pandemic, there's a decades-long history of them doing this, despite that conflicting with many Republican voters who accept said published scientific evidence. Anyway. SOURCES:Surprise, surprise, the Daily Mail got it wrong. 11K subscribers in the Snorkblot community. Bjørn Lomborg is for sale. SOURCES ARE BELOWI made this video to summarize all the various climate myths I have covered over the last 10 years. Potholer54 videos address unscientific claims by tracing them back to their source and deferring to what is published in the scientific literature. My videos are free, so if you'd like to donate and encourage me to spend the time and e. This channel was designed as a back-up to the Potholer54 channel, in response to a flurry of false DCMAs that were being posted by creationists in an effort to shut down channels dedicated to science. Facebook has countless science based pages. Hi all For those of you who follow either potholer54 or Steven Crowder on youtube, there will be a live stream debate on August 23 at 9:00am Sydney time (GMT + 10). RT @AtomsksSanakan: Beyond the pandemic, there's a decades-long history of them doing this, despite that conflicting with many Republican voters who accept said published scientific evidence. I. The purpose of this channel is to explain in simple terms the conclusions of scientific research, and correct some of the unsourced crap we hear from bloggers, politicians and the media. Total Pageviews. Albedo commonly refers to the "whiteness" of a surface, with 0 meaning black and 1 meaning [email protected]. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. He'd be out of a job if people checked the source of extraordinary claims before passing them on. #shorts #grahamhancock #alternatehistory #lostcivilization #ancientapocalypse #archeology #ancientmysteries #ancient #mystery #history #response #deceptionpotholer54. 22034 points • 1441 comments. The main purpose of this channel is to explain in simple terms the conclusions of scientific research, and correct some of the unsourced crap we get fed on t. Tried to debate with him once. 4,663 likes. 9K subscribers Subscribe Home Videos Playlists Community Channels About 2011 Golden Crocoduck nominees Play all Nominations for next year's Golden Crocoduck. Lennart Bengtsson (1935-), Swedish meteorologist and climate scientist. One of my favorite youtube channel’s is one by a fellow who goes by Potholer54. Potholer's vid:Tube's vid (go sub to. . I would agree. . His real name is Peter Hadfield, and he is a Geologist by training, turned science reporter for the past 30 years. We Are Wagner Equipment CO. But this isn't about those, it's about the science denying pseudo-intellectuals who think they know better than centuries of scientific understanding and aren't afraid to leave comments arguing even the most simple of concepts. Unfortunately, big brother has censored away some of the below info. I am a. He has previously lived in Japan, and now lives in Australia. Covid-19: Researcher blows the whistle on data integrity issues in Pfizer’s vaccine trial, Revelations of poor practices at a contract research companyDescription:I talk with the doyen of climate change Youtubers, potholer54. . The organization is an "education" outlet meant to be a "growing alternative to the moral and intellectual. André Berger, (1942-), Belgian, modeling climatic changes at the geological and at the century time scales. Peter Hadfield, better known online as potholer54, is an English vlogger and ex-Radio 4/CBC superhero. Potholer54 has some of the highest quality scientific reporting I've seen on youtube. 293 Followers. Created Feb 24, 2017. . The Pacific Crest Trail snow report uses SNODAS modeled snow data. I am a. The Pacific Crest Trail snow report uses SNODAS modeled snow data. 250. As many of you know, YouTuber Peter Hadfield (Potholer54) has Lord Monckton in a bit of a pickle, having challenged His Munificent Majesty to a debate on the Monckton-friendly turf of the Wattsupwiththat site. The audio, illustrations, photos, and videos are credited beneath the media asset, except for promotional images, which generally link to another page that contains the media credit. I am a. Potholer54 is a firm defender of science and a staunch critic of pseudoscience, creationism, and global warming denialism. people are spreading allot of weird stuff about vaccines so i can use the video. Projections for temperature according to RCP 8. It started 16 years ago and has 188 uploaded videos. Hi all For those of you who follow either potholer54 or Steven Crowder on youtube, there will be a live stream debate on August 23 at 9:00am Sydney time (GMT + 10). Nobody would know him otherwise. The organization is an "education" outlet meant to be a "growing alternative to the moral and intellectual wasteland known as the Western university",[2] which. He has been a journalist for over 20 years, 14 years as a science. . . S. I am a. This is a mirror of wildwoodclaire1's "A Very Special Dim Bulb (includes Potholer54 mirror)The false DMCA wars have fired up again and this is the third vid. The Earth doesn't warm uniformly, the oceans warm slower than the continents and arctic. Since 1976, Wagner has been selling and renting quality Cat machines used in heavy construction, building construction, mining, waste handling, paving, municipal and governmental applications, forestry, agriculture, and more. The purpose of this channel is to explain in simple terms the conclusions of scientific research, and correct some of the unsourced crap we hear from bloggers, politicians and the media. The Flat Earth community did not like it one bit,. First, looking back on hydroxychloroquine, there's more to say. It also refl. Welcome to Rob Squad Reactions This is a music reaction channel. SNODAS gives us a good idea about the quantity of frozen. . potholer54 | The Mallen Baker Show Interview. "At 3:00 I read the range of estimates of past GSM dips from 0. Sick_Whip • 5 yr. Check out the Youtube estimated earnings of potholer54 channel. 5 turns out to be the right scenario,” Jackson told me. . I am a former science journalist (see the "Who I am" video) with a degree in geology. Potholder54 did a good video where he debunks Crowder's arguments on climate change being falsified here. This title replaces the original "How to argue with 'assholes'", which many people misinterpreted despite my exhortations right at the beginning. I would agree. Hey friends! Welcome to my channel where I watch and react to tons of movies and shows that I've never seen (and occasionally some I have). The idea that inorganic mud can miraculously turn into cells is a claim made. . again. Sick_Whip • 5 yr. Climate change is obviously real but predicting into the future is not some exact science and there have surely been many scientists over the years who have been flat wrong with theirs, and many who are outright sensationalist and. Save Page Now. SOURCES ARE BELOW. The Earth gets warmer as CO 2 increases in the atmosphere. RT @AtomsksSanakan: Beyond the pandemic, there's a decades-long history of them doing this, despite that conflicting with many Republican voters who accept said published scientific evidence. The channel also dedicates a portion of itself to debunking pseudoscience and erroneous statements. Share your videos with friends, family, and the world potholer54 is an educational channel dedicated to science and geology. Potholer54. I'm a lifelong romance/drama/rom-com lover and my. When they do, their Tweets will show up here. The Petition Project features over 31,000 scientists signing the petition stating "there is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide will, in the forseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earth's atmosphere". The first thing he did was strawman me and we never got past that. He is one of the few atheists on YouTube not crowdfunded and not. I am a. The source of the clips, full video and account. His account, potholer54, also debunks a number of other climate myths, and has over 90,000 subscribers. If you listen to the audio it's. To the contrary, it is an A posteriori indicator that those stifling healthy debate, do not in fact have healthy arguments.