Richard Grannon is proud to be the “Spartan Life Coach” who helps individuals from all types of backgrounds find their core selves again and feel stronger and happier than they ever thought possible. He has also postulated a theory on. He is the author of Malignant Self Love: Narcissism Revisited (1999), was the last editor-in-chief of the now-defunct political news website Global Politician, and runs a private website about narcissistic personality disorder (NPD). Overview. Intro An Epidemic of Narcissism with Richard Grannon Triggernometry 498K subscribers Join Subscribe 11K Share Save 214K views 1 year ago Season 6. Unplug From The Matrix Of NarcissismPURCHASE NOW: your free "Stop Emotional Flashbacks. Remember we have a 30 d. He has done his homework and fights hard to get to a better place and help others do the same. ST. . Richard Grannon. I do feel if he had something to contribute he would write-a-paper, run a study, but given his lack of qualifications he can't. $25. . Go see for yourself. Throughout his 20s and early 30s, he worked in the security. Richard's Emotional literacy course and his new course on breaking the trauma bond and escaping from the Narcissistic Matrix saved my life , literally. . Instead, he created his own. 00 USD. Where did Richard Grannon go to college? What degrees does he have? Why isn't his education on his website and on his Youtube channel? Take everything. $57. I cannot rate these course highly enough. 00 USD. I ha. com, Sign up to the Newsletter and get the latest news & updates. Richard's Emotional literacy course and his new course on breaking the trauma bond and escaping from the Narcissistic Matrix saved my life , literally. He is trying to learn how to use this experience to help others to help themselves. He was apparently a club bouncer in his early years, before finding. Richard Grannon on YouTube: Grannon, NLP Master Practitioner, discusses psychopathic and narc. Grannon talks about being in one narcissistic-relationship but doesn't reveal much about it. Answer (1 of 6): Personally I like Richard Grannon. They include former council. $80. FYI Richard Grannon is a QUALIFIED psychologist who works out of University of Liverpool specialising in CPTSD (amongst other thing) specifically dealing with people who have suffered at the hands of narcissists (himself included) and has helped many, MANY people, much like HG, in overcoming narcissistic abuse. . Although. . $45. Beware. Hey folks we are going live tonight at 9pm UK timeAny questions please post here, the ones with the most thumbs up get answered first. Shmuel "Sam" Vaknin (born April 21, 1961) is an Israeli writer and professor of psychology. FIRST AID KIT. 00 USD. Richard Grannon's Bio: When Richard Grannon graduated from Aston University with a BSc in Psychology and a focus on Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), he decided not to settle into one of the existing psychotherapeutic outlets for clients. Sign up Your information is confidential* Join Telegram Group . I suspect Sam Vaknin associates with him because of his YouTube numbers and for the waves sycophantic fawning he receives. . I cannot rate these course. Manage Contact With A Narcissist. Covert Narcissism Abuse Unmasked. I would like to add that anyone with snap judgements about Richard's credentials have not completed any of his courses. PETERSBURG — Four candidates are campaigning to become St. A LOT of life coaches are NLP hacks because NLP. Hoping to build a large following, Spartan Life Coach Grannon tapped into Richard Brandler 's NLP movement that laid the foundations for such as Werner Erhard's est / Forum / Landmark and Tony Robbins cults, as well as smaller imitators like psi, Actualizations and LifeSpring a half-century ago. Welcome To Richard Grannon. Looking for. Richard Grannon is the founder and creator of The Spartan Life Coach course. Petersburg’s next City Council member for District 8. EMOTIONAL LITERACY. Grannon, who holds a BSc in Psychology from Aston University, has worked as a life coach for decades. 00 USD. Formação acadêmica Aston University BScPsychology, Business Management 1996 - 1999 Psychology and Management Licenças e. A narcissist or other psychopath will see the parts of you that have not been healed and will exploit you in those areas until theres nothing left of you. Out of all the self styled gurus on cluster B disorders he seems to have his shit together when it comes to information. Answer (1 of 6): I have watched a lot of his YouTube videos and I can see he has been traumatized by many things. THE LOVING INNER GUIDE. This video answers two question: (1) What is neuro-linguistic programming? And (2) Can I offer a critique Richard Grannon Spartan Life Coach YouTube channel. Many people on Reddit who are local to Richard have commented on his reputation as a bully.